Unicorns x GiveOUT Day

Did you know only 5 cents in every $100 given to charities goes to LGBTQIA+ ones?

Wild hey!

There has been a huge increase in demand for queer specific services over the last few years - and with lots of LGBTQIA+ orgs struggling to survive due to lock downs and the general state of the world - it has been a time.

That's why GiveOUT Day is so special!

It's all about trying to change these stats, so that queer orgs can continue to deliver life changing services to our sparkly community.

Over the last few years at Unicorns, we experienced a rise in people reaching out looking for advice or referrals for support services. And it was super sad to not be able to provide the respite, joy and community connection through our events.

But it also gave us lots of motivation to think about how we can support you all in new and exciting ways!

So this GiveOUT Day we are fundraising to bring a new Unicorns workshop series to you, that we were inspired to create during lock down.

HAPPINESS HACKS is a 7-week workshop series that provides members of our community with a regular space to connect, receive peer support and learn science backed strategies to help improve overall wellbeing and resilience.

The workshop series will be provided in person and online so we can support queers from anywhere!

We want to provide it for free so that money is not a barrier for anyone looking to access it.

So that's where our fundraising campaign comes in!

Want to help bring life to this exciting new Unicorn-y project?!

Link below to find out more, donate or spread the word about our sparkly fundraiser! ❤️